The program may look like a video game but it's helping fire managers in New Mexico better understand the nature of wildfires ...
Nyland said he has been on prescribed fires before where deer and bighorn sheep have watched the flames from within 200 yards without seeming stressed. “Fire is a natural part of their ...
Dan Davies Share A seared white shed antler stood out sharply against a charred landscape as I walked days after a prescribed burn last March. It was at that time I first received the sage advice ...
Before any burn is conducted, a prescribed burn plan must be completed which outlines objectives, required resources, fire operations, and weather parameters that must be adhered to.
Fire crews will conduct prescribed burns in southeast Boulder ... The burns will start after 10:30 a.m. and end before 3 p.m. According to a news release, community members might still see smoke ...
Len Nielson, staff chief for prescribed fire and environmental protection, said the agency is “working on it all the time.” For her part, Glasco, the vice chair at Barona, feels relief after ...
Wildfires have become more frequent, burning bigger areas during longer seasons thanks to conditions exacerbated by climate ...
Prescribed burns are ... of acres that haven't burned before or have, and people are seeing the need and the importance of it, as well as having all these fire departments here realizing that ...
“When the blueberry season was ripe, you’d have families, and canoe after ... Parks." Prescribed fire is planned for Wisconsin Point. Flammable materials will be manually removed before ...
Prescribed fire is a tool used by landowners ... KDHE will activate the Kansas smoke modeling tool in early March, before widespread burning in the Flint Hills. The computer models use fire ...
Austin Water’s Wildland Conservation Division conducted a successful prescribed burn on ... after prescribed fires.” Austin Water notified the public and neighbors before the prescribed ...