Electric toothbrushes have several benefits over traditional options. However, it's essential you use them correctly.
Having a word “on the tip of the tongue” has happened to all of us. Behind this everyday phenomenon lie complex brain mechanisms.
Okay, so I’ve literally been doing this wrong my whole life, I thought. My mentality had always been get in, get out, and go as high up to dislodge whatever was causing the bleeding. According to ...
Research has found as many as six in 10 children have rotting teeth by the age of five, so it seems we all need to 'brush' up ...
Changes associated with anemia tongue are called glossitis, otherwise known as tongue inflammation. This article explains why ...
That emphasizes the importance of choosing effective oral care products — they need to work overtime to compensate for any ...
Maintaining optimal oral hygiene is crucial for overall health and well-being. Good oral care not only keeps your smile ...
Brushing teeth every morning and night plays a huge role in oral care. It not only helps to get rid of food particles, but ...
The bacteria in your mouth and on your tongue may be linked to changes in brain function as you age, new research suggested.
When I first told my dentist about the Feno Smartbrush, eyebrows were raised. “Don’t use that,” she quipped as I explained ...
Could the bacteria in your mouth predict whether you are at risk of dementia? Emerging research suggests that the bacteria ...
New research shows that when an asteroid slammed into the moon billions of years ago, it carved out a pair of grand canyons ...