A rocky planet less than half the mass of Earth seems to have an atmosphere made almost entirely of sulphur dioxide – this ...
A little-known volcano on a remote Pacific island may have been the source of one of the 19th century’s most powerful ...
Kawah Ijen volcano, East Java, Indonesia Kawah Ijen volcano located ... making it one of the driest places on the planet.
With eruptions in 1998, 2011, and 2015, the volcano serves as a perfect laboratory, and experts expect an eruption by the end ...
Long-quiet volcanoes in the Cascades region of the Pacific Northwest are still underpinned by large reservoirs of magma, new ...
NASA officials said what Juno spotted was 'the most powerful volcanic event ever recorded on the most volcanic world in our ...
This 2022 satellite photo shows the summit of "one of the world's most dangerous volcanoes," Mount Vesuvius, peering up ...
A supervolcano eruption could be one of the most catastrophic natural disasters in human history. From global climate shifts to mass extinctions, the consequences would be devastating. But what ...
Mauna Kea When you think of the tallest mountains, instinctively, Mount Everest comes to mind. But here's a shocker: Mauna ...
Taking photos is a popular travel pastime, as we seek to capture moments and scenes so we can enjoy them long after the ...
Beneath Antarctica's ice, an unsuspected danger looms. Global warming could awaken dormant volcanoes, triggering a chain reaction with unpredictable consequences. This recent discovery sheds light on ...