A ground-breaking ceremony was held last week for the Iron 24 townhouse complex on Iron Avenue near Cleveland Clinic Union Hospital. Builders Brothers Construction has completed demolition at the site ...
Anna Ladd didn't want a home with all the history renovated out of it. But she also wanted "something updated enough that I ...
A 25-year-old man was recently arrested following multiple acts of what police say was peering into windows and lewd acts.
Fulton Financial Corp. has sold 11 local branch locations to South Philadelphia's Hightop Development as the bank continues ...
GlobalLiving Companies announces the development and promotion of a new construction gated community, Millennial Village.
From modest roots in the Philly burbs, Bob and Bruce Toll built Toll Brothers into "America's Luxury Home Builder." ...
Plans are moving forward in the Montgomery County seat with what is being called the largest development project in the ...
Amid the nationwide affordable housing shortage, a new project underway in Norristown could help ease the demand.
This is from Paul Schwedelson at the Philadelphia Business Journal: Abrams Realty & Development’s overhaul of the Exton ...
The Business Journal reported in November that Elkins Park-based Abrams was under contract to purchase the ...
Following negotiations with the Ford Motor Company in Detroit, the Sun Shipbuilding and Drydock company today announced that ...
Fiona Riley, a political communication major hailing from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, will helm The Hatchet’s 122nd volume, ...