Operatorii economici care utilizează aparate de marcat electronice fiscale nu au obligația să imprime/să înmâneze bonuri fiscale clienților pentru încasările realizate prin utilizarea cardurilor de ...
Partida de la Sibiu începe de la ora 17:00. Meciul etapei se joacă pe doi decembrie, de la ora 20:00: FCSB primește vizita celor de la CFR Cluj. Etapa 24 se încheie pe 3 februarie, de la ora 20:00, cu ...
Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This photo provided by BMW shows the company’s new Panoramic iDrive interface. It features a dash-spanning ...
Vă mulțumesc pentru înțelegere și răbdare!”, a transmis Bogdan Pivariu. Reamintim că miercuri, 15 ianuarie, clujenii care au circulat pe ruta Florești - Cluj-Napoca au avut parte de un adevărat test ...
Mii de elevi din Cluj se pregătesc să susțină simularea județeană a Examenului Național de Bacalaureat 2025. Concret, este vorba despre 3.905 elevi, din care 2.551 de elevi provin din unități de ...
Starting late 2025, it'll begin outfitting all of its vehicles with what it's calling the 'Panoramic iDrive' system, which combines new screens and revamped software. This is more than just an ...
For more information on how we test products, click here. You still can’t use your phone while driving, but all new BMW drivers will have an A-pillar to A-pillar BMW Panoramic iDrive Head-Up Display ...
I’m going to be up front with you. I hate cars that don’t have buttons, but BMW’s new Panoramic iDrive system looks so sleek, intuitive and personal that I might be willing to ditch them ...
BMW is waving goodbye to tactile controls with its new Panoramic iDrive system, which features a head-up display, AI assistant, and haptic controls. The automaker unveiled its screen-filled setup ...
The Panoramic iDrive system centers around four key elements: a Panoramic display at the windshield base, a 3D head-up display, a central touchscreen, and a new multifunction steering wheel.
As promised, BMW has revealed its new Panoramic iDrive technology concept that it will implement in all its new cars, starting with its Neue Klasse range of electric vehicles at the end of the year.
The most recent incarnation of the tech, as shown at CES, is called Panoramic iDrive, and it promises to be game-changing. Shown in close-to-production version at CES, the new iDrive centered on ...