Insights from Toras Harav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson, the Rebbe's father, presented by Shliach Rabbi Dovid Dubov of New Jersey, for Parshas Yisro: A New Story of the Rebbe - 1926 Kharkov Russia.
(RNS) — Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, the Reform movement’s rabbinical training school, is moving its ...
The Rebbe's Maamarim on the 4 Parshios has been published by Lahak as a memento from the wedding of Sholom Dovber Wolf of ...
At 21 years old, Yehudah Pryce was a gang member facing 24 years in a maximum security California state prison for armed robbery. At 42 years old, Pryce will fly from the Los Angeles area to ...
A community rallies around the family of a star athlete of the Schechter School of Long Island who fell in battle.
In addition, all but one of the synagogues on this tour are small, shopfront temples belonging to Orthodox Jewish groups, which aren't appropriate for mixed groups of non-Jewish women and men to visit ...