alongside renowned broadcaster Nana Aba Anamoah, presented the news for the day. Their unique pairing sparked immense excitement, drawing attention to their contrasting news presentation style.
Nana Aba Anamoah, The Voice of Change ... 3. Anita Akuffo: The Style Icon. Anita Akuffo, co-host of TV3's "Date Rush," is noted for her graceful and engaging on-screen demeanor. has compiled some reactions below:adwoa_agyemang stated:"Love This ❤️."rashidasaani22318 stated:"Congratulations, my love. This is a big deal. 👌❤️."appau_jeffrey stated:"See the way she ...
Venerated broadcast journalist, Nana Aba Anamoah and celebrated gospel musician Cwesi Oteng, who also attended this year’s event, interacted with the children. Speaking to the children ...
Seasoned Gahnaain news presenter Nana Aba Anamoah has opened up about how she dealt with rumours and fabricated stories about her In an interview with Nana Romeo on Accra FM, she stated that she did ...
Nana Aba Anamoah has cleared the air about the misconception that she only speaks English and disregards speakers of local languages. During a conversation with Nana Romeo on Accra 100.5 FM’s Ayekoo ...
Ohio State football will never go out of style for one family. While Sonny started his collegiate career with the Buckeyes as a freshman out of high school in the 2022 recruiting class ...
Aced Ghanaian broadcaster Nana Aba Anamoah has revealed the reason she chooses to ignore rumours about her in a candid interview with Nana Romeo on Accra FM. The celebrated media personality opened up ...
Lorenzo Styles Jr. played two seasons as a wide receiver for Notre Dame. He has been a defensive back for Ohio State the last two years, joining his brother Sonny as a Buckeye. Now the ...
Ghanaian media personality Nana Aba Anamoah has shared her approach to dealing with rumors that often circulate about her, explaining that she remains unaffected by negative chatter. In a candid ...