The winner, chosen at random from nearly 14,000 correct solution submissions, is Stephanie Golowacz. Stephanie lives in Wheaton, IL with her husband and two cats. In her spare time (other than doing ...
Mr. Niederman has a gift for making puzzles that make a solver do a double (or triple) take — a theme that sneaks up on you, ...
How difficult is it to construct a puzzle? Turns out, when you don’t use any construction software and instead resort to a graphing notebook and a million-word crossword answer book, it’s very ...
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Dr. Elizabeth Freund Fideler of Wellesley, Massachusetts. Born in 1942 in Manhattan, NY, the third of four children of Helen and Jacob Freund, ...
The NYT Mini is a smaller, quicker, more digestible, bite-sized version of the larger and more challenging NYT Crossword, and ...
Here's today's NYT Mini Crossword answer. These answers will help you solve New York Times' popular crossword game, Mini ...
The NYT Mini is a smaller, quicker, more digestible, bite-sized version of the larger and more challenging NYT Crossword, and ...
Here's today's NYT Mini Crossword answer. These answers will help you solve New York Times' popular crossword game, Mini ...
Here's today's NYT Mini Crossword answer. These answers will help you solve New York Times' popular crossword game, Mini ...
The NYT Mini is a smaller, quicker, more digestible, bite-sized version of the larger and more challenging NYT Crossword, and ...