Those driving in the congestion relief zone (all local streets below 59th) saw travel time improvements as high as 59 percent during afternoon peak hours, the MTA said. “Before the start of ...
Allow the Sale, Sharing or use of My Personal information for Targeted Advertising If you switch this toggle to “no,” we will not sell or share your personal information with third parties for ...
He says he’s losing sleep because of the toll, and is considering getting a second job as an emergency medical tech at a hospital outside of the congestion zone to keep his mother’s dream alive.
The program charges drivers $9 a day during peak hours and $2.25 overnight to enter Manhattan below 60th Street, known as the congestion relief zone, with discounts for lower-income drivers and ...
Early results show that congestion pricing has reduced traffic in the congestion zone, increased public transit use and sped up trips for some commuters, according to data released by the ...
“We’re seeing excessive delay just drop significantly in the congestion pricing zone,” Darrat said during a webinar Thursday on traffic congestion and the annual INRIX Global Traffic ...
The MTA has rolled out an online dashboard that tracks the number of vehicles entering Manhattan’s congestion pricing zone each day. Data enthusiasts can filter vehicle crossings by date, ...
So far, statistics show an average of 490,000 vehicles entering Manhattan's congestion relief zone below 60th Street per day. Compared to the typical January average of 583,000, that's a nearly 16 ...
More people visited the Business Improvement Districts within Manhattan’s congestion relief zone in January than during the same month last year, dispelling some business owners’ fears that ...
The poll shows 51 percent of respondents who drive into the congestion zone at least a few times per month support the tolls. Three in four voters who regularly drive into the central business ...
Average morning travel times at all eight river crossings into the congestion zone have gone down significantly, Juliette Michaelson, MTA’s congestion pricing czar, said in a briefing to the ...