Enjoy the latest episodes from MacStories’ family of podcasts: Comfort Zone Darth Chris makes an appearance, Niléane has an exclusive first look at…checks notes… the iPhone 16 Pro, Matt insists on ...
The new offering "is for those people who just have a real passion for the greatness of electric guitars, or guitars in ...
He has thrown his curiosity into the digital gray matter to see if it could improve upon the contemporary canon of tab books ...
From the frozen tundra, TUK is a powerhouse original rock band that has been carving out their spot in the local scene since ...
Within a rock band, there are usually defined roles. Even among groups with multiple guitarists. Often, one covers the rhythm parts while the other takes the lead. Sometimes it’s not so obvious. Like ...
Nine-time Grammy award-winning music producer Rick Rubin took the Qualtrics X4 stage Thursday, and while a tech conference ...
Metallica’s Kirk Hammett has released a lavish coffee-table book showcasing his extensive guitar collection.  The 400-page volume, “The Collection: Kirk Hammett,” dives deep into the world of the San ...
Metallica's Kirk Hammett will share the stories behind some of his favorite guitars in a new coffee table book, 'The Collection: Kirk Hammett.' ...
Metallica's Kirk Hammett has released a new photo book exploring his personal guitar collection in depth.The aptly titled The Collection: Kirk Hammett contains ...
Kirk Hammett is available via Gibson Publishing. Metallica’s Kirk Hammett Showcases Guitar Collection in New Book ...
While looking over the setlist, Lombardo said he obviously felt more comfortable with the earlier Metallica songs — you know, ...
The Pro-Ject AC/DC deck is priced at £1,149, which comes out to roughly $1,460. You’ll be able to purchase it from the ...