As Kyle Clifford is found guilty of raping his ex-girlfriend Louise Hunt, who he killed alongside her sister Hannah Hunt, and mother Carol Hunt, the Mirror takes a look at Louise's tragic attempt to e ...
After prosecution case concludes the mass murderer says he will not be appearing before Cambridge Crown Court and opts to ...
The former soldier, 26, began plotting the ‘terrible’ attack on Louise Hunt, 25, and her family within days of her calling an end to their 18-month relationship last summer.
THE harrowing final moments of a BBC star’s family have been revealed in court after they were murdered by a crossbow killer.
Kyle Clifford carried out acts of "extreme violence" against Louise Hunt, the daughter of BBC horse racing pundit John Hunt.
Crossbow monster Kyle Clifford was today found guilty of raping his ex-girlfriend before murdering her in her own home. The ...
Triple killer Kyle Clifford raped his ex-girlfriend in a ‘violent, sexual act of spite’ before murdering her and her sister ...
A JILTED former soldier raped and murdered his ex-girlfriend with a crossbow after killing her mother and later her sister, a court heard yesterday. Kyle Clifford, 26, held Louise Hunt prisoner ...
Twisted Kyle Clifford searched the internet for content by Andrew Tate - described as a "poster boy" for misogynists - before ...
Described as "odd", "disrespectful, rude and arrogant", Kyle Clifford raped Louise Hunt then killed her, her mother and ...
Ex-soldier Kyle Clifford carefully planned his attack on the Hunt family after his ex-girlfriend Louise Hunt called off their ...
Kyle Clifford, 26, has admitted murdering BBC racing commentator John Hunt's wife Carole Hunt, and his daughters Louise Hunt ...