We’re going back in time with this Minecraft texture pack – RetroNES is one of the coolest resource packs around, with a lovingly crafted old-school color palette and chunky black outlines ...
The world itself is fairly similar to Pixelmon, with the usual Minecraft world generation only slightly altered by a few new textures, including apricorns growing on normal vanilla Minecraft trees.
Standing approximately 47 cm tall, the figure boasts a humongous and lean muscular body, complete with realistic skin texture and blood vessels beneath the sharp red surface." He has been the ...
Discovered method for long-term storage of blood plasma Organized America's first large-scale ... but racial prejudices at major American medical centers barred black scholars from their practices. He ...
This is a list of disclosed users only. The game industry has traditionally been rather private, and a majority of game studios who are using Dear ImGui haven't disclosed their use publicly. If you ...