Rajesh Khanna, an iconic Bollywood actor, was in a seven-year relationship with actress Anju Mahendru before marrying Dimple Kapadia. Their breakup stemmed from compatibility issues and rumors of ...
Rajesh Khanna, Dharmendra, Dev Anand, Amitabh Bachchan This film was turned down by Sridevi, superstar's wife grabbed the role, the movie became a superhit, earned Rs... Meet actress who was ...
Saba Pataudi celebrated Rajesh Khanna's birthday anniversary with heartfelt ... What the numbers hold for us next year A movie name to the first pict I'm trying to remember, and thank you for ...
Saba Pataudi, daughter of Sharmila Tagore and Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, recently took to social media to share cherished memories of actors Rajesh Khanna and Sharmila Tagore, on the occasion of ...
In his superhit era, Rajesh Khanna once agreed to do a film just for money. Later, the actor was shocked when he read the ...
Twinkle Khanna was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra. She is the daughter of veteran actors Rajesh Khanna and Dimple ... Zulmi and Baadshah. Her last movie was Love Ke Liya Kuch Bhi Karega before ...
Late actor Rajesh Khanna, who was Bollywood's first superstar, was known for his choice of roles, and the evergreen songs in ...
Rajesh Khanna was a superstar of the film industry whose movies never seemed to leave the big screen. His stardom was so immense that fans would stand in long lines just to catch a glimpse of him.
Rajesh Khanna Birth Anniversary 2024: Known for his romantic roles, the actor gave 15 consecutive successful films between 1969 and 1971, due to which he earned the title of 'First Superstar of India.