Characterized by a dark and intense atmosphere, this series delves into the mind of detective John Luther, who grapples with personal demons as chilling as the criminals he pursues. Its 4.0 rating ...
Once a prominent London-based detective armed with a scintillating intellect, John Luther faces disgrace and prison time for his past transgressions. Yet when a bloodthirsty serial killer plunges ...
"Luther: The Fallen Sun" picks up with John Luther (Idris Elba) disgraced and in prison after the events of the series. The former detective decides to break out in order to track down a cyber ...
But while there are lots of detective shows I like, there aren't many that I love. Luther is one of those select few. DCI John Luther, played by the always-excellent Idris Elba, is a fantastic ...
The film is described as an “epic continuation” of the award-winning television show and follows a gruesome serial killer terrorising London while detective John Luther (Elba) sits behind bars.