The nonprofit behind a low-income senior housing development in Jamaica Plain is planning a similar development totaling 150 ...
Rent jumped the past year in the least costly areas, straining low, middle-income residents. The rise defies a national ...
The city announced on Monday that it signed a purchase agreement with National Church Residences will pay $500,000 for the ...
Achee Winnie, 58, is a member of Phoenix’s Justa Center and is on the hunt for a stable job and permanent housing. He’s had ...
A major housing project in Westchester has been completed, transforming a former YMCA into a $54 million affordable housing ...
The 71-unit apartment complex to be built on the site of the former Universalist Unitarian Church of Cleveland on Lancashire ...
In January, Rep. Matt Gress, R-Phoenix, introduced a House bill to expand the types of nonprofits that qualify for tax ...
BC Builds is a housing program intended to speed up the development of new homes for middle-income people throughout B.C. It ...
Midland raced to build a variety of housing options for seniors and the aging population. Now that focus has shifted to a ...
With “immediate threats” to affordable senior housing, advocates are sounding the alarm and urging policymakers to preserve programs.
Low-income and senior renters can expect their monthly rental supplements to increase, as announced in the 2025 B.C. budget.