Tradition recounts that Longinus, a Roman centurion, pierced the side of Jesus with this very spear during the crucifixion.
Caesar is gaining power — so much so that the people of the Republic of Rome want to crown him king, which would destroy the ...
New customization options and balance changes to Space Marine 2 are also coming in Patch 7.0, giving you new ways to approach ...
Parliament Member Nikolaos Papadopoulous was detained and questioned for shattering four works by artist Christophoros ...
As Mumbai’s electric trains marked a century, here’s taking a look at some films where the local trains played an important ...
When your old professor asks you to perform a bit from “Julius Caesar” in front of his fourth graders, you start to wonder if you were a favorite student or ...
A new Rebuild of Evangelion figure of Kaworu Nagisa holding the spear of Longinus will appear as a crane game prize in Japan this summer.
Our traditional Lenten practices can certainly be shared with the younger members of the Church, helping us to pray together ...