The reheaters are used to make sure the sulfur vapor doesn’t condense into a liquid, while the remaining hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide from the thermal step react on mixed beds of alumina ...
RESEARCH in the general area of sulphur chemistry has been increasing ... Recently, Gates and Meloan 1,2 have described a gas–liquid chromatographic technique for the separation and ...
The SOLA iQ analyzer allows multiple streams of various sulfur concentrations (that is, batch processing, inlet or outlet of reactors, etc.) to be quantified using a single analyzer. SOLA iQ Vapor ...
Three key ingredients are needed for life as we know it: essential elements like carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur; an energy source, and liquid water. Though Europa is only the size of our own moon ...
The iron isn't pure—scientists believe it contains sulfur and nickel ... Above the inner core is the outer core, a shell of liquid iron. This layer is cooler but still very hot, perhaps 7,200 ...