Mask-wearing is once again being recommended and changes to the visitation protocol have been implemented at OSF HealthCare facilities due to "widespread respiratory illnesses" in Illinois, company ...
The new study found those who met the CDC recommendation were up to a third less likely to have 19 chronic conditions compared to those who rarely exercised. The Iowa team believes their simple ...
With holiday gatherings and New Year's celebrations in the rearview mirror, many Americans are coming down with respiratory ...
It looks for a common diagnosis that's associated with close to 10 cancer types. Here are the guidelines national experts are ...
Flu cases are beginning to rise after a slow start to the season, with respiratory illnesses increasing nationwide in the ...
A year after becoming available, vaccines to protect against RSV in newborns and older adults are being more widely accepted by the American public, according to a new health survey.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations have been updated for the meningococcal serogroup B MenB-4C vaccine (Bexsero).
A CDC spokesman did not respond to a request for Zukas to comment on LaRochelle’s recommendation. It was unclear Wednesday whether the AG’s Office would follow LaRochelle’s recommendation.
Conner: Tell us about the new recommendations for the pneumonia vaccine.
According to the CDC, flu cases are surging across much of the country, but at a moderate level here in the commonwealth.
The CDC certainly gave a medical basis for its recommendation that quarantine be cut in half for those people, from 10 days to five. That’s because, per the CDC, most people are most infectious ...