Pooja Hegde stepped out for Deva promotions in a Rs 1,19,000 black tweed dress, and it’s too good to miss. Check out her look.
Dhanashree Verma shared that she finally has found peace in life. Here's what her latest social media post signified.
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Tweed jackets and skirts seem to have become a celebrity favourite. From Ananya Panday’s elegant co-ords to Sonam Kapoor’s metallic outfit and Kangana’s retro-inspired look, find inspiration for ...
Kangana Ranaut impressed with her traditional attire while meeting Sadhguru, donning a Tussar Jamdhani saree and zardozi silk ...
Get real-time updates on health from celebrity fitness secrets and weight loss breakthroughs to nutrition advice, get your ...
Kangana Ranaut’s fashion sense is as varied as her film roles. Known for her saree-styled grace, the actress recently ...
The incident has underlined that you can't leave anything to chance or take anything for granted.' 'You have to ensure that ...
In conclusion, Kangana Ranaut's heart sweater is not only trendy but also versatile, offering endless possibilities for ...
Kangana Ranaut's sweater is from the British luxury fashion label, Joseph, and proves that oversized sweaters are always a ...