SMSAPI to lider w obszarze komunikacji mobilnej, oferujący innowacyjne rozwiązania SMS dla biznesu oraz sektora publicznego.
A new shop will offer a wide range of traditional Polish food including freshly baked bread, takeaway food and more.
The first high-profile exchange took place on February 10, 1962, when Soviet intelligence officer William Fischer (better known as Rudolf Abel), arrested in New York on June 21, 1957, was exchanged ...
Mgr inż. Adam Kaczmarek z Uniwersytetu Jana Długosza w Częstochowie to ubiegłoroczny laureat Śląskiej Nagrody Naukowej. Jego ...
Ogromnym wyzwaniem dla systemu ochrony zdrowia są choroby cywilizacyjne, w tym cukrzyca, nadciśnienie tętnicze i hipercholesterolemia. Ich leczenie nie jest łatwe i kosztuje system krocie. Jakich rozw ...
Tylko kataklizm mógł Danielowi Kaczmarkowi odebrać tytuł mistrza Argentyny. Zawodnik Zdunek Wybrzeża Gdańsk stanął na ...
WARSAW, Feb 17 (Reuters) - Poland will not send troops to Ukraine, Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Monday, as he set off for an emergency summit in Paris to discuss Europe's role in any ceasefire.
Wybrzeże Gdańsk już po roku chce wrócić do Metalkas 2. Ekstraligi. Gdańszczanie zabezpieczyli niemal wszystkie pozycje, a ...
WARSAW, Jan 28 (Reuters) - Poland and Canada have signed an agreement that provides a legal framework for more intensive cooperation on nuclear power, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on ...
Mr. Sikorski is the foreign minister of Poland. I recently indulged in a guilty pleasure and rewatched “Independence Day,” the 1996 blockbuster movie about rapacious aliens trying to invade ...
The extermination of Jews by Nazi Germany during World War II took place largely in occupied Poland. But for many Poles, Holocaust remembrance remains a challenge ...
"I don't think so," Huntley Project head coach Tim Kaczmarek said when asked if any Class B team has ever had a better state tournament. "Our kids showed up and wrestled their butts off and that ...