The Bajrangi Bhaijaan director Kabir Khan recalled he was 'shocked' when he came to know the story of Murlikant Petkar for the first time. "I heard the whole story and then we verified this.
A heartwarming video is going viral today, capturing the joyous moment when Indian para-athlete Navdeep Singh meets Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan and director Kabir Khan at the Arjuna Award ceremony.
In a heartwarming gesture, Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan and director Kabir Khan will attend the Arjuna Award ceremony to celebrate the achievements of Murlikant Patekar, a renowned Indian para ...
Salman Khan, Bollywood superstar, has been captivating audiences with his films for over 30 years. Known for delivering multiple blockbusters, he holds the record for the highest number of ₹100 ...
Before Salman Khan took on the iconic role in Bajrangi Bhaijaan, the film was initially offered to other actors. According to reports, Kabir Khan approached Aamir Khan with the project ...
Bajrangi Bhaijaan is based on an original story by screenwriter V. Vijayendra Prasad and is produced by Salman Khan, Rockline Venkatesh, and Kabir Khan. The film won the hearts of the audience ...
Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan and director Kabir Khan celebrated the remarkable achievement of Murlikant Rajaram Petkar, who was honored with the prestigious Arjuna Award (Lifetime) by the ...
A heartwarming video is going viral today, capturing the joyous moment when Indian para-athlete Navdeep Singh meets Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan and director Kabir Khan at the Arjuna Award ceremony.
In the words of Aamir Khan, "Bhai toh kabhi dubenge nahi". So as Salman Khan turns 59, here's throwing it back to a moment in time — his reunion with SRK "Mere Karan Arjun aayenge" took on a ...
The film is part of Yash Raj's spy universe. Bajrangi Bhaijaan - Hotstar The Kabir Khan blockbuster revolves around an Indian man who helps a little mute Pakistani girl reunite with her family.
Fouzul Kabir Khan, Adviser, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Government of Bangladesh, feels that cross-border trade is a win-win for all. Khan, who is in thick of the developments ...