In the present review, current knowledge on mucosal barrier and its role in disease prevention and therapy is summarized. First, the relevant terms 'intestinal barrier' and 'intestinal ...
People with the skin condition psoriasis often have invisible inflammation in the small intestine with an increased ...
A: Animal; ACE: Accessory cholera enterotoxin; H: Human; ZOT: Zonula occludens toxin.
People with the skin condition psoriasis often have invisible inflammation in the small intestine with an increased propensity for "leaky gut," according to new research at Uppsala University. These ...
Mucus provides an essential barrier for humans that protects vulnerable surfaces in the lung, intestinal ... virus particles that are known to infect mucosal tissues efficiently.
People with the skin condition psoriasis often have invisible inflammation in the small intestine that increases their ...
Discover the hidden inflammation in psoriasis patients' intestines, its link to leaky gut, and the increased risk of Crohn's disease.
People with the skin condition psoriasis often have invisible inflammation in the small intestine with an increased propensity for ‘leaky gut’, according to new research at Uppsala ...
One in ten people in the UK have a needle phobia so serious it means they frequently miss out on vital treatments such as ... Intestinal resident macrophages are at the front line of host defence at the mucosal barrier within the gastrointestinal tract and have long been known to play a crucial role in the ...
Studies by the Cluster of Excellence PMI and the DFG Research Unit “miTarget” are investigating the function of the ...