How do I talk about my preferences for the art I consume without demeaning others’ tastes or seeming like a snob?
Many of my friends enjoy superhero movies and cartoons. I do not; I don’t find these movies interesting or original.
Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website,; to her email, [email protected]; or ...
GENTLE READER: Friendship requires reciprocity, so if you are unwilling to listen, at least occasionally, to them talking ...
In this week's PEOPLE cover story, Alec Baldwin recalls how he wasn't looking for a partner before meeting his now-wife ...
A friend, who was recently diagnosed with dementia, keeps pushing to plan a trip with the letter writer, who doesn’t want to ...
And they don't want it. Their rejection of the money they're entitled to stems from the deeply held beliefs of many Gen Zers ...
Money is a taboo subject among friends and close acquaintances for a reason. Indeed, some folks out there may be inclined to ...
Incompatible Travelers: Your options are not either “make a blanket statement” or do something you don’t want to do. You can be honest with your friend without being cruel. In fact ...
How do I talk about my preferences for the art I consume without demeaning others’ tastes or seeming like a snob? For example, many of my friends enjoy superhero movies and cartoons. As a lifelong ...
Q. I get really anxious when my boyfriend goes on a trip with this one group of guy friends. Before anyone can judge, I understand that guys should have time to be guys without their partners around.
I’d be inclined to look for a new group of friends or make it crystal clear that you have zero intention to “blow money” with them. Indeed, if the attitudes don’t shift, perhaps it’s ...