The other choice is chaos — let the students run the classroom and no one learns. “English” explores the tyranny, but fudges the chaos. Left unexplained is how one incompetent student eventually aces ...
Some languages in the world are facing extinction rapidly. Language Documentation helps us to safeguard and preserve them.
The findings shake up previous ideas about language learning – and give us an earlier window to help children who might be at ...
A conversation about salty language and peppering questions with examples and explanations in informal contexts.
E VEN AS AMERICA’S relationship with China enters a new, less predictable era, Donald Trump and Xi Jinping see the value in ...
Plus “The Stain” by Rikki Ducornet and “Black Woods, Blue Sky” by Eowyn Ivey.
After uncovering a controversy in the captions of Russians at War, Rachel Ho digs into the art of translation.
THE idea of a humanlike artificial intelligence assistant that you can speak with has been alive in many people’s ...
This is from a YouGov survey from just a few years ago: nearly half of Americans say they believe in ghosts, and more than one-third say they have personally felt the presence of a ghost.
Though born and raised in Allentown, Pennsylvania, Lutz wields the English language like a polymath émigré—Nabokov if Nabokov ...
I spoke with Claire Ferguson, vice president and assistant general counsel at Gray, who is leading the station group’s ...
Sometimes I think you can only speak one language,” says a character in Sanaz Toossi’s English. “You can know two, but…” She trails off, her brows knitted and her eyes far away, leaving something ...