General Atomics MQ-20 Avenger unmanned combat aerial vehicle autonomously flown with Shield AI’s Hivemind software at Orange Flag exercise. General ...
The U.S. Air Force has bestowed “mission design series” (MDS) designations on its two Increment 1 Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCA) prototypes. The General Atomics Gambit offering is the YFQ-42A and ...
GA-ASI has successfully flown a MQ-20 Avenger equipped with US government-provided autonomy software - a reference autonomy ...
It may just be symbolic, but we are telling the world we are leaning into a new chapter of aerial warfare," said Chief of ...
A Russian Su-35 fighter jet has "behaved dangerously" toward a French reaper drone in the Mediterranean, as tensions between Moscow and Paris rise.
The Sonobuoy Dispensing System test has enhanced the MQ-9B SeaGuardian’s status as the only RPA that can carry, release and ...
Modern augmented reality (AR) technologies are delivering air forces around the world advantages when it comes to training ...
British aircraft manufacturer Andair was one of a number of international companies that stopped selling equipment to Baykar after discovering it was being used to make combat drones. Get your ...
The ASTRA Telegram channel reported, citing footage posted on several social media accounts which showed troops using crutches to fend off drones, while others struggle to move. One video, shared on ...
The contract with GA-ASI includes a firm order for 11 mission trainers, with the opportunity to deliver up to 50 devices over the next five years. The agreement brings together two industry ...
While the product remains in development, GA-ASI is looking to target the international market ... programmes in the face of attacks on Israel from rockets, missiles and drones on multiple fronts.
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. and CAE are pleased to announce a long-term agreement for the development and production of the next-generation mission trainer for GA-ASI’s MQ-9B ...