Atlantic Beach now permits dogs to swim unleashed in the ocean if accompanied by their owners, but they must be leashed on ...
With the first day of spring just behind us, temperatures will start to rise and snakes will start to become more active. A ...
Meet Lulabelle at the Homeward Bound Animal Shelter in Manistee. Lani has boundless love and excitement for her human friends ...
Human-beaver conflicts surfaced concerning vegetation and tree damage, safety concerns of tripping over stumps of felled trees, blocked road culverts, and flooding, which potentially undermines ...
One Fortnite player shares a humorous visual glitch they encountered when equipping a pair of Crocs in Epic Games' popular battle royale.
As children, we read about and adored these furry critters. This love of rabbits often faded ... Rabbit damage usually occurs ...
When your allergic pet gnaws on her haunch or licks his feet incessantly, the habit might annoy you just as much as it does ...
Wombats are furry, nocturnal marsupials found only in Australia. Baby wombats have recently been in the news after an ...
Last weekend's Ravefurrest in Bridgeport brought out DJs, vendors, dancing and hundreds of revelers wearing ears, tails and even full fur suits.
While Goose, an agile Corgi, scampered toward the finish line in a quick win, everyone agreed who the real champion of the ...
The number of furry looks on the runways has caused an uptick in searches for real fur, faux fur and shearling with retailers ...