Oklahoma, their foster child

A bill to help support Oklahoma foster families moving forward ...
The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) announced on Friday an investigation is underway for a teacher who serves ...
A viral video shows a Haskell foster child left outside in freezing weather with no shoes or coat—police recommend charges, and DHS is investigating.
"Shut them down and never be able to have children there again and be abused neglected harmed. They do all of that. I feel ...
The current reimbursement rates haven’t been increased since 2018. House Bill 2030, which advanced in committee, would bump ...
These payments are intended to help families cover costs including food, clothing, school supplies, personal incidentals and reasonable travel.
Court documents obtained by 2 News show that Oklahoma Human Services (OKDHS) knew about ongoing problems at a foster home in Haskell, which is now under investigation for child abuse.