Lai mīkla būtu gaisīgāka, sviestu var saputot. Sagatavoto mīklu pārkaisa ar miltiem, apsedz ar dvieli un liek raudzēties siltumā. Kad tās apjoms dubultojies, nospiež, lai izplūstu ogļskābā gāze, ...
Concurrently, Lundin Mining and BHP have formed a 50/50 joint arrangement, Vicuña Corp. (the "Joint Arrangement" or "Vicuña"), holding the Filo del Sol project ("FDS") and the Josemaria project.
Jamie Beck, President, CEO and Director of Filo said, "As our stewardship of Filo del Sol comes to an end, we'd like to thank our shareholders and stakeholders for their support throughout the ...
Anastasija Ļovina iestudējumā “Mātes piens” padomju laika politisko kontekstu un režīma smadzeņu deformēšanas metodes atstāj fonā. Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris savu pamat­repertuāru jau ...
These five-ingredient Brie bites pack a lot of flavor and texture into one phyllo cup. Each year a standout appetizer graces the holiday buffet table that outshines the rest in taste and creativity.
Our filo parcels are packed with creamy prawns and spinach. They make a delicious snack but served with a light salad they are perfect for a mid-week dinner too. These parcels are made out of filo ...