Danske og europæiske virksomheder sakker bagud mod Kina og USA, hvilket fik Mette Frederiksen til i sin nytårstale at love ...
De såkaldte »kolde hænder« sikrer blandt meget andet, at man får plads i vuggestuen inden for pasningsgarantien, anviser til plejebolig, sørger for udbetaling af boligsikring, samt at folk kan få ...
It appears the Bill Self-Jerome Tang handshake rift is still a thing. It began last year when Self, the Kansas coach, addressed it after defeating Tang and the ...
TV Avisen kunne godt bringe nyhedsindslag om ny skulptur af Grevinde Danner, uden at nævne navnet på kunstneren bag. Det ...
Microsoft og vores tredjepartsleverandører bruger cookies til at gemme og få adgang til oplysninger, som f.eks. entydige id'er, til at levere, vedligeholde og forbedre vores tjenester og reklamer. Hvi ...
The newly reimagined Autosport Awards will take place on January 29, 2025.
Tuesday’s storm left residents in near disbelief as the snow kept falling. The hard work is now underway to clear dangerously ...
If you've been a weather nerd and checking the National Weather Service's hourly precipitation tallies, you might have ...
The judge ruled that parish officials violated the intent of the law when discussing plans for the $1.25 billion plant.
The departure of one employee at Louisiana's environmental regulator and the transfer of another to a separate state agency has drawn renewed scrutiny of the department's leader, Aurelia ...
Thankfully for the Amesbury girls, a tough stretch of the schedule is now in the rearview mirror.
AMESBURY — Local and state police on Wednesday arrested a Lawrence man and one from Maine on drug trafficking charges following an investigation that began roughly a month earlier. Antonio Soto ...