Eli Lilly has acquired Organovo’s lead asset, a clinical FXR agonist designed to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), in a deal worth up to $50 million in biobucks. Organovo’s stock ...
“We are excited to deliver FXR314 and our FXR program to Lilly for Phase 2 and further development. Their world-class development excellence and dedication to delivering for patients will provide an ...
Credit: Elena Vafina via Getty Images. Eli Lilly (Lilly) has agreed to make a $10m upfront payment for full worldwide rights to San Diego-based Organovo Holdings’ farnesoid X receptor (FXR) agonist ...
Organovo Holdings, Inc. announced that it will be acquired by Eli Lilly and Company, which includes Organovo's FXR program and its lead asset, FXR314, aimed at treating inflammatory bowel disease ...
Eli Lil­ly is buy­ing Organo­vo’s far­ne­soid X re­cep­tor (FXR) ag­o­nist pro­gram, which in­cludes a drug in Phase 2 de­vel­op­ment for ul­cer­a­tive col­i­tis and meta­bol ...
SAN DIEGO - Organovo Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:ONVO), a biotech firm specializing in 3D human tissue models, has reached an agreement to sell its FXR program, including the lead asset FXR314 ...
Organovo (ONVO) Holdings announced that Eli Lilly (LLY) and Company will acquire Organovo’s FXR program, including its lead asset, FXR314. Under this transaction, Organovo will receive an ...
Following the announcement, shares in Organovo were trading a hefty 270% higher by lunchtime Tuesday. The deal will see Lilly acquire Organovo’s FXR program, including its lead asset, FXR314. All the ...
If you’re a die-hard Harley-Davidson fan, you must’ve lusted over the brand’s Icon collection at least once. It has birthed some beautiful motorcycles inspired by limited edition H-Ds of ...
The buzz early was what was in John Garrett’s bass bag. It was Dollar Bill Lowen that created the biggest buzz as he weighed in 18 pounds, 1 ounce to maintain his lead at the 2025 FXR P ...
The 1970s proved to be a transformative decade for Harley-Davidson, as the company not only saw many of its motorcycles achieve legendary status and are still popular even now, it was a time when ...