Am Donnerstag letzter Woche, auf der Tagung der Nobelpreisträger in Lindau, war es wieder einmal soweit. Vor den Fernsehkameras und einem Publikum aus Studenten und Journalisten trug Warburg ...
The all-new Volkswagen Transporter is on its way, with VW having finally decided it can’t drag out the drip-feeding of the teaser images its seventh-generation medium van. We now have the first ...
An all-new Volkswagen Transporter is a big deal – any all-new van is worth paying attention to given that commercial vehicles have longer lifecycles than their passenger-car cousins. However ...
Am 11.2.2025 verstarb durch einen tragischen Unfall Thomas Großbölting. Er war seit 2008 Mitglied des Kuratoriums für vergleichende Städtegeschichte e.V. und seit 2010 Mitglied und stellvertretender ...
After teasing the PV5 last week, Kia’s electric van was just spotted in the US for the first time. The PV5 is Kia’s first dedicated electric van, and it already looks ready to challenge ...
Politische Ethik, Menschenrechtsethik (aktuelle Schwerpunkte: Recht auf Religionsfreiheit; Recht auf Bildung, Rechte von Migranten) Sozialethik der Bildung Genderfragen im Horizont christlicher ...
Van sales, along with its plans to roll out its smaller, less expensive R2 SUVs in 2026, will be crucial to Rivian's success as broader demand for EVs has eased amid high borrowing costs.
Discover and compare the best minivan or vans by model year. View pricing, gas mileage and consumer ratings, or select individual vehicles for an in-depth look at their specs and features. This ...
Consistent patterns of positive selection in functionally similar genes can suggest a common selective pressure across a group of species. We use alignments of orthologous protein-coding genes from 39 ...