Discover how AeroInside supports your aviation research. Get access to AeroInside Insights with the Pro plan, a new enhanced search and filter tool, full read access to every article published and ...
We have extracted and analyzed data from Cirium, a leading aviation analytics company, in order to present to you the ranking of ten shortest flight routes in the State of California, all operated by ...
Confira a cotação EMBR3 hoje e acompanhe as ações Embraer ON em tempo real. As seções dessa página permitem ver o preço da ação agora, comparar com dados históricos, ver gráficos, dividendos e ...
Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer has informed its shareholders that it will delay the E175-E2 development program by four more years. In a SEC filing dated February 26, 2025, Embraer said that ...
Brazilian airframer Embraer has again paused its E175-E2 programme after acknowledging on several occasions that development of the next-generation regional jet has been effectively shelved.
is some 10% higher than current U.S. scope clauses permit. Credit: Embraer Embraer is keeping the E175-E2 on hold for another four years, the company confirmed Feb. 25. "[Today], the board of ...
“We are honoured that Embraer’s E190-E2 small narrowbody aircraft will join ANA’s fleet and we look forward to the delivery of the first aircraft in 2028,” said Martyn Holmes, Chief ...
O conselho de administração da Embraer aprovou nesta terça-feira (25) uma pausa adicional de quatro anos no programa de desenvolvimento do jato E175-E2, informou a fabricante de aeronaves em fato ...
The company states: “Embraer (ERJ), in attention to Resolution CVM ndegrees 44/2021 and in addition to the Material Fact disclosed on February 18, 2022, informs its shareholders and the market ...
A Embraer anunciou nesta terça-feira (25) um contrato para a venda de 15 jatos modelo E190-E2 à ANA Holdings Inc., empresa que controla a All Nippon Airways (ANA), a maior companhia aérea do Japão. O ...
A Embraer (EMBR3) encontrava-se nas alturas depois de quebrar recorde atrás de recorde em número de pedidos. Mas agora, a empresa está pronta para decolar pelos céus do Japão pela primeira vez na ...
On the domestic front, ANA will integrate Embraer E-Jets into its fleet for the first time, having placed an order for 20 E190-E2 aircraft—15 firm orders and five options. These jets, which the ...