While bacteria can grow biofilms on any surface, researcher Gross found that microplastics supercharged this process. When ...
Scientists were shocked to discover that microplastics don’t just pollute the environment, they may also be fueling the rise ...
Microplastics have made their way up food chains, accumulated in oceans, clustered in clouds and on mountains.
Researchers at Boston University have found that microplastics (MPs) provide an ideal platform for bacteria to form ...
Plastic is a cheap and durable material that has been adapted and applied in innumerable ways. Vast amounts of plastic has been produced in recent decades, | Microbiology ...
In a startling discovery, a team of Boston University researchers found that bacteria exposed to microplastics became resistant to multiple types of antibiotics commonly used to treat infections.
Researchers were stunned to discover that bacteria's antimicrobial resistance is strengthened when exposed to plastic ...
E. coli bacteria exposed to microplastics in test tubes became ... Once attached to any surface, they create a biofilm - a sticky substance that acts like a shield - protecting the bacteria from ...
With sudden outbreaks of E. coli in the press from time to time, this tiny organism has, understandably, gotten something of a bad rap of late. But, while it is known to be a health risk ...
The study, published Tuesday in the journal Applied Environmental and Microbiology, analyzed biofilms on microplastics and glass created by E. coli, a potentially dangerous bacteria that can cause ...