I am interested in the taxonomy, systematics and evolution of the diatoms. I also study biogeography, as well as applications of diatoms, such as water quality monitoring and biofuels. My current ...
We also suggested that a warming climate will simultaneously enhance the productivity of large phytoplankton, such as diatoms, in coastal regions, owing to increased wind-driven upwelling 1.
Tiny diatoms in the ocean are masters at capturing carbon dioxide (CO 2) from the environment. They fix up to 20% of the Earth's CO 2. A research team at the University of Basel, Switzerland ...
My research is directed toward understanding diatom biology and the ecological roles of diatoms on the planet. I am passionate about sharing diatom taxonomy and ecology with scientists, students and ...
Blooms of diatoms—microscopic, photosynthetic algae—were alive and well beneath (and within) the lake's ice cover. "Some of the main winter-spring diatom bloom formers, like Aulacoseira ...
Our diatom research is focused on the pursuit of comparative biology: the systematics, evolution and biogeography of freshwater diatoms. The research covers both extinct and extant taxa, and utilises ...
Winter brought a colder and icier season to the Great Lakes, especially Lake Erie, which saw a near-complete ice cover in ...
Specialisms: Diatom systematics and taxonomy, with special focus on naviculoid diatoms Scanning electron microscopy Diatom culturing Postgraduate training My research has focused on aspects of diatom ...
As researchers in paleolimnology, the historical study of freshwater sediments, we examine the sediments that settles at the ...