According to the Dare County Extension Master Gardeners, it’s time to start propagating seeds, and if you’re in search of ...
A new biotech platform can help crops adapt to drought, better resist disease, use less fertilizer, and last longer.
I am always on the lookout for plants that produce nutritious fruits and berries, and during a recent visit to a local ...
Want to try something poisonous and psychoactive or a new sweet treat? The UC Berkeley Campus has several free options to ...
Scopolamine is also present in Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium), a plant found in most of the Latin American countries. Stories about Datura are heard since childhood. One can be hypnotised if you ...
Learn the best time to plant dahlias this spring for stunning summer blooms. Get expert tips on soil preparation, climate ...
Check out COMMON WEEDS AND THEIR SCIENTIFIC NAMES WITH PICTURES IN NIGERIA. Discover the weeds that are a menace to farmers, ...
The Purple Datura is a species of plant that is extensively used for Ayurvedic and religious purposes in India and now is ...
Sunflower seeds are considered to be the fruits of the sunflower plant. Shelled (and sometimes salted) sunflower seeds are a common snack or salad topping. These small seeds also provide fiber, ...
Discover a fantastic Minecraft adventure with this seed. A river surrounds a circular island that has a mix of spruce and oak trees, giving plentiful resources for starting the build. This ...
THE Department of Agriculture's (DA) Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) is hosting the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) executive committee meetings in Manila, which opened on Feb. 16 and ...