The post-credits scene of Invincible Season 3 Episode 8 had a shock return: Damien Darkblood, kicking off a dark new story.
The next thing I know, I'm in the back of some strange van where some guy is jabbing my arm so he can put my actual blood into a comic book about the whole thing. My life is a mess." Dark Regards ...
If you thought the biggest surprise of Invincible Season 3 was how much damage Mark Grayson could take before his bones just ...
The show builds suspense around his investigation, whereas in the comics, his presence is mostly for comedic effect. Additionally, his animated appearance is more imposing, featuring a dark ...
Invincible show and comic creator Robert Kirkman has confirmed that this Damien Darkblood ‘Hell Arc’ is a new storyline that’s exclusive to the animated series and represents some ‘missed ...