Dragon Ball villains usually don't get happily ever afters, but the enemies in Dragon Ball Daima surprisingly got off easy.
Dragon Ball reveals the official name of Daima's final villain with only one episode left in the 40th-anniversary anime ...
While there are many understandable critiques, Dragon Ball Daima has been flawlessly delivering in one capacity that some ...
C omplex, nuanced storylines aren't what fans come to Dragon Ballfor. Compared to other, more narratively driven battle ...
Dragon Ball Daima has been criticized for its poor handling of Dragon Ball's canon, but it's far too good for that to be a ...
Dragon Ball Daima has made Gomah into a powerful Dragon Ball villain, and it shows how powerful Dabura could have been under ...
Dragon Ball DAIMA's Evil Third Eye Gomah has attained unprecedented power that would help him defeat some of the franchise's ...
Dragon Ball Daima successfully balances adventure, action, and nostalgia with Toriyama’s unique brand of storytelling, ...
Dragon Ball DAIMA is far from a perfect sequel to DBZ, but it has far more to offer than the deeply flawed Dragon Ball Super.