In a significant crackdown, Churaibari police in Assam seized 22 cartons containing a total of 2,200 bottles of prohibited ...
The Border Security Force (BSF) thwarted a deadly attack by Bangladeshi smugglers who were trying to cross over to the Indian fencing area in Malda district, West Bengal, and seized a huge quantity of ...
Hanmi Pharmaceutical has reportedly increased production of its flu treatment generic drug 'Hanmi Flu' and related products such as antipyretics and cough suppressants. Yuhan Corporation is also ...
Treatment typically includes decongestions, cough suppressants, and expectorants. If OTC treatment doesn’t help relieve your cough, a doctor might prescribe medication depending on the causes.
Honey is very soothing when mixed in a hot drink and some even suggest that it acts as a mild cough suppressant. Saltwater can draw excess fluid from inflamed tissues in the throat, which in turn ...
Kohli and Rizzo do not recommend taking cough suppressant medications, unless a person has a severe cough that leaves them unable to sleep. “We don’t want any secretions that we might have in ...
Kohli and Rizzo do not recommend taking cough suppressant medications, unless a person has a severe cough that leaves them unable to sleep. “We don’t want any secretions that we might have in the ...
Every cough tells a story about your health, but some narratives demand urgent attention. While most coughs resolve naturally, distinguishing between a minor irritation and a serious health ...
These characteristics result in a trachea that can’t maintain its shape when the dog inhales and exhales, but instead narrows and collapses, producing the characteristic cough. The most ...
Meanwhile a pharmacist can help if you have a cough and advise you on the best syrup, medicine or sweets to take. If you have a persistent cough which hasn't gone in weeks, you should visit your ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio — Whooping cough, a highly infectious respiratory infection that laid low in recent years, has come roaring back. In Ohio, whooping cough cases have doubled in a year ...