The MongolZ and FaZe Clan were among six teams recording Round 1 sweeps Friday as action began at the $1.25 million PGL Cluj-Napoca event in Romania. Sixteen teams are competing in the Counter-Strike ...
T-Mobile is the third-largest wireless carrier in the United States, with its popularity largely down to its network coverage and the wide range of tempting offers available. They span from T ...
Cluj-Napoca and Sibiu topped the rankings of the T.R.A.I. index by Storia in 2024, the first with the highest total score based on objective indicators such as traffic, landmarks, air quality ...
PGL has unveiled the teams participating in its Counter-Strike 2 event taking place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania next month. The teams invited to PGL Cluj-Napoca 2025 were decided based on their VRS from ...
Un barbat din Cluj-Napoca a ajuns la capatul puterilor cu o vulpe care viziteaza frecvent strada pe care locuieste. Clujeanul din Iris sustine ca animalul i-a intrat in curte in cursul diminetii si ...
Sfintii Trei Ierarhi - Hramul Invatamantului Teologic Ortodox sarbatorit la Cluj-Napoca prin evenimente academice si liturgiceFacultatea de Teologie Ortodoxa din Cluj-Napoca, parte a Universitatii ...
Rahul Gandhi, who announced the launch of the white T-shirt movement, asked the youth and the working class people to join his movement via a website link or a missed call. Listen to Story Rahul ...
Etapa 22 din SuperLiga a continuă sâmbătă cu un meci extrem de atractiv, U Cluj - Gloria Buzău. Pe Cluj Arena, ”Studenții” au reușit să obțină toate cele trei puncte, după un meci în care adversarii ...
În municipiul Cluj-Napoca s-au înscris de 3.289 elevi la această sesiune a simulării Evaluării Naționale. Simularea județeană a examenului de Evaluare Națională pentru elevii claselor a VIII-a începe ...
White T-shirts get a lot of attention, but let’s not forget their equally versatile counterpart: the exceedingly wearable, deceptively simple black T-shirt. It’s a staple you can wear to work ...
If you remember, at the last French Open, the Serbian champion had a red button under his t-shirt capable of emitting wavelengths of therapeutic light; a theme that has come up again on the eve of ...