It is now housed in a facility on Ackers Road close to the Cantilever Bridge. But until two decades ago, it was on London Road, close to the junction with East Avenue. It closed in the late 1990s.
Photo: Deadclass, Ohio continues at The Tank through March 23. Photo courtesy of The Tank / Provided by official website.
ITANAGAR: Chief Minister Pema Khandu and Mebo MLA Oken Tayeng met with officials from Oil India Limited to discuss the ...
Elected officials spend years commissioning studies on some of the city's most crucial infrastructure projects rather than ...
Unlike their handheld siblings, patio umbrellas are more about providing shade from the sun than shelter from the rain. That ...
The ability to adapt learning spaces to the day’s needs is a vital function of modern-day schools. Versatility has become a ...
A new way to measure male fertility has been discovered by researchers at the University of Waterloo, opening the door to the ...
The new building will replace the temporary concession stand that had been there since the course opened in 2007.
With political turmoil at all levels of government, many problems may get overlooked or delayed. But I worry about one in ...
The Vizhinjam deep-sea port in Kerala is not only the country's mega transshipment terminal but also holds the distinction of ...
The architect who helped scuttle former Mayor Bill de Blasio’s plans to repair the crumbling Brooklyn-Queens Expressway now ...
With success in cutting down the number of overweight trucks on a key highway, New York City looks to expand use of ...