How many times have you heard the phrase “carbs make you fat?” A fitness coach says carbs don't deserve their bad reputation.
Researchers at the Advanced Research Unit on Metabolism, Development & Aging (ARUMDA), in the Tata Institute of Fundamental ...
Running is about feeling good in your body. Here’s how to work with your cycle to get the most out of your training.
What are the better food options at the hawker centre, food court, bakery, cafe or even from the vending machine?
UPF researchers have led the creation of a computational simulator that is unique in the world to study one of the causes of ...
Fasted workouts are often praised for fat loss, but they may be sabotaging your muscle gains, energy levels, and overall ...
New research pinpoints faulty branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) metabolism as a driving force behind sarcopenia, highlighting a potential pathway to slow muscle deterioration and improve aging ...
You probably know cortisol as “the stress hormone.” It got that nickname because it’s released—from the adrenal glands, located on top of each kidney—in response to stressors, explains Justin Mullner, ...
Background and Objectives: Low free triiodothyronine (FT3) is usually associated with worse functional outcome in critical illness; however, the information on thyroid dysfunction and autoimmune ...
In addition, in the circulation the inhibitory effect of VLDL apo C-III on lipoprotein lipase (LPL) reduces the fractional catabolic rate of VLDL and contributes to the burden of the ...