Tongue bleeding can happen after a bite or burn. Underlying conditions such as herpes or cancer are also possible ...
Q: Thank you so very much for posting about sugar to heal open wounds. Every winter, I get deep fissures in my fingertips from cold, dry air. Not only are they extremely painful, but I also cannot ...
In traditional Chinese medicine, malva nuts are known as Pangdahai, often used in tea as a sore throat remedy, similar to adding ginger or lemon. A sniffling person pops the small dried nut in hot ...
The first vaccine to protect against the herpes virus that causes cold sores could soon be on the market. Doctors who have spent 15 years developing the new vaccine, and who will use it on around ...
Try these home remedies to get rid of corns and calluses naturally without expensive medicines or a doctor's visit. The post ...
Quick Heal Technologies Ltd., incorporated in the year 1995, is a Small Cap company (having a market cap of Rs 1,597.13 Crore) operating in IT Software sector. Quick Heal Technologies Ltd. key ...
The song Healer has become an anthem of faith for believers, many of whom are suffering from illness and praying for a miracle for Mr. Guglielmucci. His performance in the live Hillsong DVD has ...
If a patient gets proper treatment, stage 4 bedsores are generally treatable. However, it can take up to two years for the sores to heal completely. If a stage 4 bedsore gets infected and remains ...