Når der i det kommende årti kommer flere ældre danskere, vil der blive brug for mindst 88.000 flere offentligt ansatte. Det ...
Microsoft og vores tredjepartsleverandører bruger cookies til at gemme og få adgang til oplysninger, som f.eks. entydige id'er, til at levere, vedligeholde og forbedre vores tjenester og reklamer. Hvi ...
He’d park his car on the ‘rampart’, the stoney path into the bog, and ideas for characters and dialogue and openings and ...
The Governor of the Bank of Ghana, Dr. Johnson Asiama, has revealed that the initial cost of the new headquarters was valued ...
The Governor of the Bank of Ghana, Dr. Johnson Asiama, has disclosed the exact amount of money the central bank, under the leadership of former Governor Dr. Ernest Addison, used for the construction ...
The owner of a Hilux that got bogged on a Cape Cleveland salt flat for several weeks last year has been fined by the DETSI. The agency is warning 4WD “enthusiasts” to take note. The Department ...
The remains have been dated to between 343 BCE and 1 BCE during the Iron Age period. The woman stood approximately 5ft 6in tall, with her body being well-preserved in the bog. Whilst much of the body ...
Marshall Rose, Candice Bergen's husband of more than 20 years, has died after a battle with Parkinson's disease. He was 88. The news was confirmed in a New York Times obi t uary, which said Rose ...
The search for Mrs. Grant Ellis is on, and Rose Sombke is officially out of the running after her self-elimination from The Bachelor. The Chicago-based registered nurse prematurely left the show ...
The star also said that K-pop trainees should have built-in access to therapy. By Hannah Dailey ROSÉ isn’t slowing down any time soon. Just over two months after she dropped her debut solo ...