Two heads are better than one, as the saying goes, and sometimes two instruments, ingeniously recombined, can accomplish feats that neither could have done on its own.
The flashes of light may vary in shape, color, frequency, and duration. Flashes of light in the corner of the eye could be due to changes in the eye’s structure, which becomes more common with age.
The liquid crystalline nuclei were studied by microscopy techniques of Metripol birefringence microscopy ... is a challenge with current microscopy techniques because conventional light microscopy has ...
Sustained blue light exposure from electronic devices and digital screens is not kind on your overall health, and has been linked to eye strain, macular degeneration and poor sleep quality.
So, University of Liverpool engineer Lucien Tuinstra and colleagues used three independent techniques, including cross-polarized light microscopy, to unambiguously identify and quantify decaying ...
A paradox at the heart of quantum physics has been tested in an extraordinary fashion, pushing the boundaries of human intuition beyond breaking point by measuring a pulse of light in 37 dimensions.
The MT6000 Series microscopes are configured for brightfield and epi-flourescence but can also be outfitted with optional phase contrast, polarized light and darkfield components. System ...
The world’s first fully 3D-printed microscope can be made in a few hours and for a fraction of the cost of traditional ones. “It’s not just enabling, it’s empowering,” says Gail ...
The birefringence ... polarized optical devices is also described. Finally, we look forward to the challenges and prospects of femtosecond lasers in inducing nanogratings in transparent materials.
In summary, collagenous tissues exhibit several unique optical properties (scattering, absorption, birefringence ... One successful example is the augmentation of polarized light imaging with SHG, OCT ...