Trans Discussion Group will be at 7 p.m. on Zoom. This group is intended to provide an emotionally and physically safe space ...
On children’s books about pronouns. “How do you know what someone wants to be called?” A little girl—or at least she would appear to be a girl—ponders this question at the start of The ...
Michelle, who decided to remain anonymous, shared that when it comes to shopping with her child, who identifies as bigender, comes with its challenges. She decided to visit the closet to see what ...
The process for Washingtonians to change the sex listed on their birth certificates is getting a whole lot faster. On Wednesday, the Washington state Department of Health announced that it is ...
Per the Washington DOH website, “X” refers to a gender that is not exclusively male or female – including, but not limited to, intersex, agender, amalgagender, androgynous, bigender ...
The new administration has big plans, any of which could have a major impact on California education. But could is the key word. So, we will stay on top of what’s happening and it will inform our ...