Some look suspiciously like crows, and the colorful plumage is largely restricted to the males. Yet, when people think of ...
Standing right at the water’s edge was a large and beautiful American oystercatcher (Haematopus palliates). This amazing looking bird is one of my favorite shorebirds. It is a large shorebird ...
Unique, colorful, musical and social, evening and pine grosbeaks are wild birds that tend to be wintertime visitors that we ...
Hummingbirds are perhaps our best-loved birds, but there’s a lot that people don’t know about them. What kinds of ...
Common kingfishers, Alcedo atthis, live across much of England, Ireland and Wales, but these beautiful birds are infrequently seen. Our bright blue and russet kingfishers dine on aquatic insects and ...
Seen from the ground, their ephemeral parabolas look like calligraphic brushstrokes. But when the sun sets, the magic ends. The birds descend — and wreak havoc. They spend their nights roosting ...
Last week while leading a photo workshop in warm and sunny Florida, I was walking down a long stretch of beach with my group of photographers in tow. The sun had just come up spreading a warm ...