When “The Greatest Show On Earth" returns to Atlanta’s State Farm Arena this evening, certain fans may recognize a familiar face right in the center of the ring.
The FSU/Asolo Conservatory presents a play about the first Chinese woman to come to the U.S. in a unique setting that mirrors ...
By 1841, Barnum had acquired Scudder’s American Museum, which he opened as Barnum ... writing on the social and cultural history of the circus. A list of his books is at steve-ward.weebly.com.
Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey has resurrected its organization with a modernized version of the former circus and a nod to its long entertainment history. Organizers no longer use the ...
From Barnum and Matilda to the thrilling new production Come Alive! The Greatest Showman Circus Spectacular, London has a long history of circus musicals. Roll up, roll up! London theatre has often ...
CUYAHOGA FALLS, Ohio — South State and Bailey roads are next on the City of Cuyahoga Falls' list to undergo changes. "They are very important areas," Mayor Don Walters said. "They do a lot of ...
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey will be at Legacy Arena at the BJCC from Friday through Sunday. To buy tickets, visit https://www.ticketmaster.com/ringling-bros ...
COMMENT | Phineas T Barnum was the owner of a very popular circus. He once said, “Any publicity, whether good or bad, is good publicity”. Barnum’s point was simple: “Nothing is worse than ...