After all, who on earth would keep a quarter century-old A4 in perfect condition bar someone ... ever to fly out of Ingolstadt: the 2001 B5 Audi RS4. As it’ll shortly turn 25, and therefore ...
A rare sight! Watch this Audi RS4 Avant B5 effortlessly tow another RS4 on a custom car trailer. The perfect combination of power, performance, and practicality. Don't miss this unique RS4 duo in ...
In saying goodbye to the ‘B9’ generation A4 that launched in 2015, we welcome the Audi RS4 Competition Plus. It is the most hardcore example of the breed yet, sitting lower to the floor with ...
In saying goodbye to the ‘B9’ generation A4 that launched in 2015, we welcome the Audi RS4 Competition Plus. It is the most hardcore example of the breed yet, sitting lower to the floor with ...
Audi has released a new special edition version of the Audi RS4, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the first RS-branded Audi Avant. At 20 years since the launch of the ground-braking RS2 ...