A reptile – which was labelled a tortoise in a social media post but which many netizens say is in fact a terrapin – that was ...
Dear Quentin, A family friend, 91, wants to add me to the deed of his house. His wife died about 8 years ago. His daughter, who would be my age, 65, died when we were in high scho ...
The American Land Title Association (ALTA), through their Good Deeds Foundation, announced a $6,000 grant to be given to the ...
Tonight was 'One Good Night for One Good Deed Michiana', a fundraiser event featuring three local bands, as the community packed O'Rourke's Public House to support the cause.
Valparaiso-based nonprofit A Bed 4 Me Foundation was awarded $6,000 from the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation to help local ...
The spirit of caring and compassion is thriving in the Caribbean where there is a strong culture of neighbors helping ...