There was confusion after a mortuary mix-up saw the bodies of the Unity State crash victims mistakenly swapped and ...
Residents of the Bentiu IDP camp in Unity State on Monday staged a peaceful protest to oppose the transition of the Médecins ...
James Dak Chap and Younis Kur Koy have recounted their lucky escape from the plane crash in Rubkona County of South Sudan’s ...
Congressionally Chartered. Scholarship Driven. Fiercely Nonpartisan.
The army and the paramilitary forces are locked in a new and ruinous battle for territory across the northeast African nation ...
Now, in the South (and now Florida), segregation is gone, the party label has changed, but the jive is the same. “One party” does not mean “one-party unity,” as last week’s Florida slam ...
February 2, 2025 (WAD MADANI) – The Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) continued their rapid advance in al-Jazirah State in central Sudan on Sunday, gaining control over vast areas in the north and ...
Pure water is flowing for the first time in the remote village of Katchuat, South Sudan, after young people in eastern Idaho teamed up to help transform lives in one of the poorest nations on Earth.
the information minister of Eastern Equatoria state home to the county, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Cattle are an important indicator of wealth and status in South Sudan ...